Tuesday, September 23, 2008

All work and no writing

. . . makes me a cranky girl.

After work yesterday, I picked up the younger kids from school and brought them home. I expected to see my hubby waiting for me as he usually watches the younger three children while I pick up our oldest from high school, but he wasn't home. I got a phone call from him (cause he must have read my mind *wink*) telling me he was running late (duh) because he hurt his back (YIKES) and had to make a visit to the chiropractor.

So because he had to get his back cracked, he wasn't able to finish his route--he delivers Oroweat/Entenmann's/Thomas/Boboli to the stores/restaurants in our area.  He would still come home and watch the kids if I would go put the product on the shelves at Safeway for him after picking up our oldest.

I agreed to this crazy scheme (if you've ever been trapped in the car with three whining children while waiting in line, you'll understand) and the deal was done. Unfortunately for me, it took me an hour to get the product up. After that, I brought oldest boy home so he could get his homework done. Then I turned around and went back to town because I forgot to get stuff to make dinner. GRRR

After dinner (chef salad and salmon cakes), it is homework time for the younger kids. This time includes twenty minutes of being read to and five minutes of math flashcards for our oldest daughter; about five minutes (depending on how long it takes her to get through the book) of being read to by our youngest daughter; and last night, our youngest boy had Do-Good Dog homework.

All this equals no writing time for me. I was pretty cranky because I really hoped to get writing done each night after work. But I got over my crankiness and tried to get a good night sleep . . . that didn't happen either. *sigh* I should have stayed up and written! LOL

So, it's time to take my oldest to his early morning class, get the younger three dressed and ready for school, come home to get ready for work, go to work, and hopefully find time to write. I'm still hoping I will be finished working by the end of October so I can devote all my time to writing. But as things go, hubby is still in a lot of pain and wants me to help him again today. I may take pity on him later, but right now, I'm tired and cranky and don't feel at all inclined to help him today. *evil grin*

Write on.

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