Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Counting . . .

50 (or so) pages of research printed and highlighted

1 Site Counsel meeting attended

3 children picked up from school

1 dinner eaten (hubby cooked, bless him)

3 children's homework checked

11 dogs brought in for the night

1 son picked up from dress rehearsal

1,435 words written on my Nano novel

15 tweets read

1 tweet written

3 (or was it more?) tweets replied to

3 hours past bedtime

1 end of day blog post

1 tired woman


And all this adds up to

1 busy day


Yeah, so my math is slightly off, but work with me here. ;-)  My pillow is calling to me so I must go--it's never a good idea to keep a pillow waiting too long.


Write on.

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